Deluxe Erotic Nude Sensual  Lingam Massage 


 Erotic Lingam Nude Massage Tantra


Erotic lingam massage is a set of tools that broaden our experience of life.


Energy, nude, erotic, lingam massage with elements Tantra massage, sensuality and a genuine desire to make you feel exceptionally well satisfied.

By accepting the return and acceptance of our body and its sexuality, we open ourselves to the vital side of life.

Through meditation, breathing and insight, we expand our awareness of the experience of everything that happens in our lives.

This will be the best experience for you .

Mutuo massage techniques, Tantra massage, Body to Body massage, Naturist massage.

You are the receiver of a sensual erotic massage not a giver. 

Their duty is to receive the massage and surrender to the rediscovery of senses, feelings and emotions. 

The process combines the feeling of well-being associated with deep relaxation therapeutic as people come to resolve issues related to relationship issues, self esteem issues including sexual issues.

Eroric Massage that I make is a slow, sensual ,relaxing and  spiritual massage with elements of tantra, body to body massage, Swedish massage , relaxing massage and in the end LINGAM MASSAGE . 

I use full body strokes and work along the two main energy lines in your body. 

This creates a wave that can result in a full body orgasm and produces a deep state of peace and bliss. I use aromatherapy oil . 

Breathing exercises and connecting exercises are used to bring you into a deeper state of relaxation and trust.


During the Lingam Massage I spread your sexual energy to the other parts of your body to energise them. 

You can choose to have an orgasm or not. When you choose to have an orgasm it will be long, strong and will involve your full body,

if you want to end in these areas caressing and sexual energy with an orgasm.

Tantra is breath, sensuality, energy, body acceptance, getting energy and pleasure the touch enjoy the orgasm.

Tantric massage is not a “quickie” experience.


There are no age barriers, what matters is the state of mind .

I hope to see you soon ... 


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